I get you. I’ve been in your shoes. And I’m here to tell you, there is a better way.
You Could Have This Business and Life in 90 Days
How is this Possible?
Learn a research-based method to build your dream business.
The 5 Million Dollar Lesson
I've spent my 25-year career driven to succeed at higher and higher levels. By the age of 35 I was on the fast track to law firm partnership and served as a senior corporate lawyer advising the C-suite at a Fortune 500. Soon thereafter I launched a legal consulting and tech firm to help Fortune 500 companies better analyze and manage sensitive electronic data. The business took off and just 18 months after launch, I turned down a $2.5M acquisition offer from a top tier consulting firm. Two years later I turned down a $5M offer from another firm, intent on growing the business much larger. I was running full tilt, all the time.
Until I flamed out and hit rock bottom, on the floor of a luxurious hotel room at the age of 42. Immediately everything in the business and my personal life was in jeopardy.
The Dream Exit Mission
Here are some sobering statistics:
- 48% of Business Owners Who Want to Sell Have No Exit Strategy
- Less than 30% of businesses listed with a selling price over $2,500,000 ever sell
- Nearly 75% of business owners who do sell are unhappy with the deal 12 months later
- And 50% of business owners report feeling burned out in the past 12 months
What's your exit strategy? Or are you too caught up in the grind of your business? Most importantly how much of your net worth is tied up in our business?
Cruical questions for all busines owners to consider because the truth is this: planning and successfully exiting your business is perhaps the most challenging part of any entrepreneur's journey…
But way too many business owners believe that they have plenty of time to plan for their exit later and instead they need to work EVEN harder now in order to do so. (Spoiler: they’re dead wrong).
I created the Dream Exit Collective to help as many entrepreneurs as possible step out of the grind, find flow, and maximize the value of their business so they can achieve their dream exit whenever they're ready.

The CEO In Flow Cohort
Join a select group of successful CEOs and business owners in supporting each other in adopting a proven framework and system used by thousands of business owners to get out of the grind, create a self-managing business, and discover more enjoyment and fulfillment.
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Find Flow to Maximize the Value of Your Business Without Burning Out
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